FR Vision Photography: Travel, Nature, Cities and Architecture

Posts from the ‘Blog in English’ category

La Chartreuse: A paradise for the lovers of flowers

The natural park of La Chartreuse in the French Savoy is little known but, nevertheless, surprising. In addition to beautiful mountains and valleys where you can make beautiful excursions, the park is characterized by its large number and variety of species of flora. These include lot of orchids. On one of our day-trips, we were able to see more than 12 species of orchids in less than half an hour walking!. We were fascinated by the high amount of lady slipper orchids (Cypripedium calceolus) that we were able to find. After we learned that La Chartreuse is the place in Europe with the highest concentration of this species.  Read more

Finally, we got it!

Photographers use to plan very carefully each of our landscape pictures and, just, few of them are taken by chance. Usually, each photo has a good combination of perseverance, preparation, as well as some luck. We always spend lot of time looking for locations, seeing the light conditions during the day and we repeat, repeat and repeat until the weather conditions provides us the opportunity. Additionally, in the mountains, it involves a little more logistics. Read more